29 August 2018

Tangyuan ii

I don't think I'll ever have a separate food blog, so the least I can do is organize the food posts here better. Introducing the cooking notes tag, and I'll try to link previous iterations from now on.

Tangyuan i


Coconut sweet potato filling, TIL sweet potato is also referred to as 地瓜

Followed the recipe pretty much exactly as written and accordingly was rewarded with a dream of a dough, both to work with (no stickiness!) and super Q. Yeah I see why Q is such a textural goal for so many asian food.

Going to try one more batch as I made too much filling, but I'm gonna pre-emptively say that this dough isn't optimal for making filled tangyuan. The optimal texture for workability isn't the optimal texture for closing the dough around the filling. I think the most Q dough is quite a dry dough, kinda like udon (not that I've made udon yet, but I believe every word out of culinary goddess Amanda's mouth). Whereas other videos on making filled tangyuan show a very soft dough. Perhaps I should stick to inside-out tangyuan as the recipe originally intended for, and just use the 摇 (dip-and-roll) method for filled tangyuan.


In case you didn't click on the two previous links and have not witnessed the greatness of Amanda, definitely do! She's like the Jacque Peppin of (mostly) asian food. Her videos have very clear instructions, and covers a wide breadth of dishes. Love her so much *u*

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