15 August 2018

conical section

I think it's safe to say that summer has gone back to the typical UK summer of hovering around 20 during the day, phew. Thank you to this tank and this dress for carrying me during the heatwave:

I'm obviously looking forward to autumn/winter clothing. Saw these from HOPE's new collection, want very much:

One day I will have a giant furry coat with equally giant collars! Actually I came close to blind buying a forest green one during Artizia's winter sale last year, but mom reasonably talked me out of it. This blue-grey color is even better...maybe it'll be on sale in half a year, but it'd have to be a blind buy again ugh.

Found a US stockist (La Garconne) for the trousers, might be my last resort if I can't find a good pair in Canada. The silhouette is pretty perfect although would prefer if there isn't as much of a drop crotch. Seriously, why is a pair of high waisted carrot shaped trousers with some wool content such a unicorn?

various pants references via pintrest


Also looking for tees with the perfect drape @_@

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