24 June 2023

其实说分不开的也不见得 其实感情最怕的就是拖着

This song has like the most savage lyrics I've heard welp

简单点 说话的方式简单点

没意见 我只想看看你怎么圆
你难过的太表面 像没天赋的演员

该配合你演出的我 演视而不见
在逼一个最爱你的人 即兴表演
什么时候我们开始 收起了底线
顺应时代的改变 看那些拙劣的表演

可你曾经那么爱我 干嘛演出细节
我该变成什么样子 才能延缓厌倦

没意见 你想怎样我都随便
你演技也有限 又不用说感言

该配合你演出的我 演视而不见
别逼一个最爱你的人 即兴表演
什么时候我们开始 没有了底线
顺着别人的谎言 被动就不显得可怜

可你曾经那么爱我 干嘛演出细节
我该变成什么样子 才能配合出演



该配合你演出的我 尽力在表演
像情感节目里的嘉宾 任人挑选
请剪掉那些情节 让我看上去体面
可你曾经那么爱我 干嘛演出细节
是因为爱你我才选择表演 这种成全

22 June 2023


Dean pushed me down the rabbit hole of visual mods...it is definitely a welcomed distraction is a period of being swept up in anxiety. Pretty clothes, whether irl or in-game, is a reliable mood booster. 

I'm also really using my garden frequently as a backdrop. YoshiP plz gib more slots.

Gear Mods:

20 June 2023


Playing with DOF...I really wish there was a better autofocus welp.

16 June 2023


 Some recent nice meals:

  • Koh Lipe's new menu items
  • A la carte at Richmond Station, was real impressed at how many duck items were on the menu
  • Gusto101 removed my absolute favourite escarole salad but this ain't bad either. Do agree that General Assembly has the better food.

14 June 2023


More flowers, irl this time:

The one-ish week where my mom's peony-ish plant graces us with blooms \o/

12 June 2023


More garden shots because I'm excited about my commission. Also dove into playing with DOF settings in reshade but that screenshot didn't save??

In other news, am sick and it sucks.

10 June 2023

garnet cotton

Noticed some nice morning light while crafting in my garden:

08 June 2023

crystal tower - 2

Previous progress.

Done the distant mountains! I was initially conflicted about the running stitch pattern for the mountains, but it looks better once its complete. I do want something lowkey as to not distract from the more important elements in this scene.

I was also working on the bridge in the foreground, and never expected it would be the thing to give me trouble (am still too scared to start all the french knotting for my trees). Tried 6 strand which was too thick, then 3 strand which is a good size but my stitches were way too lopsided, and then when the prespective was finally correct (after doing the guidelines visible in the photo above), I felt that each stitch was too loose and that I should probably break the width into 2 stitches. So everything got ripped out 4 times "orz

06 June 2023

resplendent light

It would not be me if I didn't spend some a lot of time gposing in the new locations.

Not a new location but I was literally thinking the broken brands is a nice backdrop to get a series of images with each of my job's hades weapon glam, then boom we fix the brands and they're a different color now ;o; 

Thirteenth's moon is perfect for rpr glam:

Never missing a chance to see Azem's magic circle, I do like that we're using it more frequently:

Was not expecting a new entrance for p9-12, but then again I was nto expecting a lot of the development. P11 is the best raid fight ever, soooo much feels. 

04 June 2023

The Dark Thorn

 6.4 is a great patch, building on the slightly disjointed 6.3 msq while setting the stage for 6.5, and most importantly holy the raid story conclusion. Is Lahabrae my second favourite unsundered being now?? Why does he say a stupidly cool line at parting just like Emet-Selch did ;o;

My resolve shall weather loss unfathomable, and yield before no obstacle. Walk your path with the seem conviction

Other quotations, from msq:

No matter where my comrades go, I have faith they will be fine. For I know that they will walkk their chosen path as surely as I walk mine.(Thancred ;o;)

We are the chain that connects generations past and future. You and I its links. Help us, Lord Mettius, for all we have been and for what we may yet become. (Jullus, a nice parallel to Louisoix's quotation)

02 June 2023

from now on, by my side will be the most comfortable spot

One line of this song was stuck in my head for several days and I just could not rmb where it was from ;o;