19 May 2020

3-gatsu no lion

I am so ashamed to say that until last weekend, I didn't know the mangaka of Honey&Clover has another series: 3-gatsu no lion. I'm even more ashamed to say that I didn't recognize the art style from volume 15's cover, it was only until I clicked into it and scrolled past the author's name and went "huh this sounds familiar", followed closely by "oh waaaaait it's..!"

Needless to say the series is amazing. I love it every bit as I do H&C. It is heavier tho, so I'm glad I'm reading it at my current age compared to discovering H&C back in middle school, definitely more relatable to 3-gantsu's characters now. To speak generally, I'd say H&C is 70/30 lighthearted comedy vs heavy, whereas 3-gatsu has the reverse ratio.

I'll save the rest of my thoughts for when the series finishes, here's an image representing one of the theme:

17 May 2020


I feel quite proud that I haven't bought a piece of clothing in almost 6 months! The quarantine definitely helps to ease the temptation, for I have definitely not spent less time browsing online.

I was thinking about the overall framework of my wardrobe (yet again) and went down the path of having strict rules for certain categories of clothing, and leaving other categories more to impulse. As an example of the former, I only own black pants, and of the latter, I have a loose trigger for skirts and dresses. Now thinking of tops, and specifically woven tops, I've decided on the following:

  • Button-ups: strict. From hereon, long sleeve button ups will be band collar and short sleeve button up will be camp collar. Materials will focus on silk and linen, with some cotton. Colours and patterns can vary. 
  • Blouses: loose in terms of design (gimme all the romantic & frilly blouses that I can push the boundaries of wearing to office) but only in white.

12 May 2020


Some good content I found on /r/gyw, am I ever going to get Zonkeys...

The high end:

The entry level:

10 May 2020


I didn't realize that 从前有座霖剑山 has been scanlated the whole time but just not uploaded to Mangadex. It's definitely my all-time favourite manhua, in the sense that Tower of God is all my all-time fav webtoon. I ship the MC and master so much, look at how adorable they are together:

08 May 2020


The latest batch of cooking our seafood haul:

The upgraded version of the cheap hot-oil noodle, featuring poached jumbo shrimp.

Blackened...haddock? rockfish? the package was unlabelled.

Jeff also made ahi tuna fajita style like the dish we had in Houston, and I made 葱油饼 to go alongside that in place of tortilla XD I liked the tuna a lot although Jeff found it dry. The 饼 was pretty easy to make following 小高姐's recipe. The dough was soooo easy to handle, especially compared to the some of the dough I suffered through while going on a stovetop bread adventure (by necessity) in Bath. Improvising a rolling pin is still the same though, man when am I going to have a fully stocked kitchen ;o;

06 May 2020


I think spring and fall are the best seasons for when the dawn and dusk light reflects the best from the opposing skyline? Especially the EY building with its angled section of curtain wall, now I get why Architects use this feature so frequently. Also understanding why they're so particular about reviewing glass mockups.


There's nothing like photographing from the balcony to make me want better camera gear. The first photo was shot at ISO1200 and the sky is already way too noisy. Also cropping into a 50mm is no where as satisfying as using a tele.

02 May 2020


I've also not felt inspired to wear perfumes during the quarantine, but the last couple of days I've been wearing Parfum d'Empires azemore les oranges. There's an intial juicy pop of orange which is nicely uplifting, then the focus shifts towards more green, woody and slightly spicy notes. This is a rare occasion where my initial impression still rings true. The only downside is swiping it onto my neck doesn't generate the greatest projection, as in I barely smell myself. Though on the other hand, I've felt that one spray from a full size bottle of my other perfumes is actually too overwhelming.