01 August 2018


Achievement unlocked: own a bra that actually fits
Much thanks to /r/abrathatfits and being in UK which gives me easy access to Bravissimo

Let me recount the journey.

Stage 0: ill fitted bras, sometime in middle school until sometime in high school.
Aka when I knew nothing and picked bras based on nothing. Obviously, the fit was meh and looked meh and felt somewhat worse than meh. This ultimately lead to...

Opting out of wired bras altogether in favour of bralettes, sometime in high school until very recently.
I have no clue how I first discovered bralettes, probably by randomly walking into aerie when there was a sale and being attracted to lacy design. All was well since they are significantly more comfortable and I'm lucky enough not to require any support. But since there's no structure, bralettes do just squish boobs against chest, so there is a definite lack of shape and definition. This doesn't bother me under most clothing except for t-shirts, so I did keep (and even bought) a couple of t-shirt bras with underwire. But since they don't fit that well, they are still noticeable under t-shirts...which absolutely defeats their purpose.

Stage 0.5: silicone nipple covers, last month.
I've owned them for some time but never bothered to use it outside of special occasions. But UK's recent heatwave made even wearing bralettes quite repulsive, so I finally started wearing them regularly. They're amazing, bless the person who commercialized these. No extra layer of fabric, and actually better shape (thanks to genetics that my boobs have decent projection). I seriously considered never buying bras again and using these all the time, still considering actually. But alas I did buy a properly fitting bra today.

Stage 1: a bra that fits! Starting now.
I got this and day zero impression is that they're fantastic. Hopefully I remember to update how they age later. Although my band size is small enough that it's not commonly available, so it'll still be a struggle to buy bras. But man closer fitted clothing looks much better! Except button-downs, I'll keep a couple of bralettes for those.

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