17 February 2020


There's been 2 fragrances that I've been constantly reaching for during this late winter misery: Jo Malone's black cedarwood and Essential Parfum's orange x santal. Three if you count Amouage fate woman, but that's been a winter staple.

Orange x santal in particular is very suitable for my current mood where the splash of the orange lifts the winter blues and the woody dry down is comforting. Except this specific woody dry down leaves some to be desired, especially in comparison to Nishane's B-612. It seems...low resolution compared to the sandalwood in Nishane, less full and less present. Of course I'm not expecting the same sandalwood (or even real sandalwood at all) in the Essential Parfum as it's so affordable. But this does motivate me to try more of Atelier Cologne's citrus fragrances and layer the orange one over Nishane. Will be quite the expensive combo if I do love the effect ðŸ˜…

Speaking of layering, I also enjoyed layering the Jo Malone with Sylvaine Delacourte's Oranzo for a similar contrasting effect. Maybe I'll spray one on each side of my neck as it's hard to detect the scent  once my hair & scarves absorb it all.

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