30 April 2020


It's been a while since I felt "inspired" to take photos, or another way to out it, manage to notice good light. But today is a fruitful day!

This might be my favourite photo...in at least the past half a year. Favourite photos from travel aside, I always tend to favourite some still life photos taken in lower lighting, there's a...calming quality to them? There's been a few other moments (usually in the morning when I'm eating breakfast) that I notice the light in the kitchen is super good, and with a variety of objects (with its variety of surface characteristics) that make for a good photo.

I'd also totally take a square crop of the middle area and make it an album cover. I guess the whole image works as a book cover too.


I also haven't taken a skyline photo in a while, but today had a perfect moment when the heavy clouds were just starting to clear and the CN Tower caught some direct side light.

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