30 August 2019


I've been reading through the archives of Take One Thing Off, a most excellent perfume blog, and found a really good explanation of different rose oils in this review. FYI future self.

It also occurred to me that, in the extremely unlikely scenario that I become incredibly wealthy in the near (or far) future, or even just reach FIRE, I would learn perfumery or start a perfume brand. As an aside, my friends always said that I would open a tea house in this hypothetical scenario, but that never felt right to me. But back to my eventual perfume creations, they would be Chinese themed, and my starting collection would be the 四君子 of orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, and plum. Then I would do some soliflorals of common traditional chinese flowers like osamanthus, peach blossom, and especially of peony. Some abstract themed series can include ceramics and ink painting. There would also be a tea series, cause goddam the current tea perfumes that I've sampled (which to be fair isn't that many) don't smell anything like the tea itself, and is always just green tea, or black tea.

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