23 April 2022


This is...the second time I fclt burned out? I don't even know when exactly the first time started, could be as early as September or late as November 2021 but it was very much a frog is simmering water situation. And ended with the break I took for EW launch, which I just threw myself into. 

This time its lot more compressed timeline! Is that a good thing? Let's assume it is. The last week of March is probably where it crossed over from normal tired / stress to denial that I can keep going, oh and not only keep going but do! more! stuff! to just get over it. The constant background headache and lack of interest in eating should've been clues but I am stubborn in my denial. Culminated in recognition on a that Saturday, then spent more hours asleep than awake on the Sunday which was a sorely needed reset. Luckily I had the foresight to take Monday & Tuesday off to slowly nurse my energy level up and reintroducing cooking & getting out of the house. It was so nice binging on Project Hail-Mary, its a light hearted read that I could just enjoy without reflecting on broader implications. 

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