02 March 2022


Am back downtown! Quite happy about this. 

But first, a meal from when I still had to journey to:

Khao soi from SuhkoTHAI, c'est pas mal

and then a dessert I've made last weekend (been a while since I've baked anything):

Berry cardamom crumble bars via Diaspora

I was concerned about how it'll turn out since I had to make some unfavourable substitutions (like steel cut oats for rolled oats...sigh) and didn't have enough berries. But crumbles are pretty forgiving. Tho I do think the crust is too tiresome to chew with the steel cut oats. 

I've also forgotten how amazing browned butter is. It's heavenly.

Also made another braised pork shoulder dish even longer back. Turned out lovely and is a cold weather staple.

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