11 September 2019

whole wheat sandwich loaf

Jeff brought back some nice whole wheat flour and gooseberry jam, so I had a first attempt at whole wheat sandwich load today. Again I followed abreaducation as I did for the white sandwich loafs (1, 2).

It...turned out alright

The obvious defect is the huge fissure along the bottom crust. I'm not sure whether this is purely damage caused when I forcefully removed the bread from the pan as it was stuck somewhat firmly, or if there already existed some large air bubbles. Probably air bubbles since I didn't roll the dough very tightly during the final shaping. But I will line the pan with parchment paper next time to eliminate the first cause as well.

I also could've let it bake for maybe 5 to 10 mins longer as the interior is still quite moist. The silver lining to that is it'll toast wonderfully and will last longer before drying out to an unbearable state.
In terms of crumb density, I think it's acceptable but also not great. It's a 50/50 white and whole wheat mix so perhaps the bar to reach for is as fluffy as pure white bread. I could've shaped the dough more aggressively, especially during the initial 3 folds. My yeast is also quite old, so getting some fresh yeast would also help in addition to better shaping.


I went through many pages of my food tag archive to find the white sandwich load post, and it made me realize that I cooked and ate so well in Bath. I miss the UK grocery availability waaaah.

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