26 August 2011


SEO would hate my titles, they're short and often unrelated & uninformative xD

Why am I sitting in a terrible posture at home instead of the shad reunion downtown? Summer cold. Why u no strike any other daaay T_T" Wanna be endlessly walking around eaton while catching up and then pigging out at kbbq, graaaaah. Instead I'm trying to ignore the pain in my head and the box of tissue that's half empty already.

Of course NASA posts an awesome video and I forget my unfortunate situation for 25 seconds.

To quote one commenter (who isn't trolling, stupid, or raging): black holes take om nom nom to a whole other level".


p.s. Redundantly fixed the issue of being difficult to get back to homepage after commenting. Now the comment box pops up and there's a beautiful button on the sidebar that would gladly direct you back.

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