08 August 2011


Most satisfied purchase in a long time, mostly due to the fact that I haven't been shopping T_T

Dress from Costa Blanca, charm bracelet from Fossil.
Gonna buy a new charm each year, the bracelet will be full once I graduate from university ;D

Fossil, by the way, is my absolute favourite accessory store. Brought Sarah and Patricia there, now all three of our wallets will bleed ;D I was a hair width away from snatching this from the shelves and running away. coughbirthdayiscomingsoonhopemoneymagicallyappearscough. I kid, maybe. Doesn't help the fact that I've wanted a portfolio/envelope clutch for the longest time, sighhhh.

Let this be motivation to find a job once summer is over.

1 comment:

Gil said...

Fossil's not bad. I used to have a wallet from there that lasted me a few years before I got something new. I also have sunglasses from them