20 July 2021

City of Sin

The latest period of being MIA from this blog is brought to you by City of Sin. Quite a good novel, but oof the ending is very unsatisfactory despite technically tying up all the loose ends. I thought of how to best describe this specific type of disappoint that I have with the ending, and it's like when you ask someone you're close to "how are you" and then they just reply "fine". The saving grace is that at least it isn't a saccharin ending. 

But the novel is still good that I would recommend it to others. The world building is extensive, there is a vast cast of side characters that weave in and out of the story (I'm actually rather impressed with how the plot got some of the strong characters out of the way of the MC to let him grow), and it does touch upon bigger themes like what is the responsibility of a leader. 


Now back to reading some books, starting with Demian.

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