06 September 2020


 A few weeks ago, I found the almost perfect painting that I would like to hang in my living space. Almost for 2 reasons: one is I'd prefer the scene to be the ocean at night, and two is I want a giant painting, like at least 4'x4'. Considering that this is 1 square foot and likely over $400 after shipping and duties, and that price and size is likely an exponential correlation rather than a linear, I was very motivated to pick up painting again. 

As much as I'd like to go straight to oil paints, it was hard to go to an art supply store in person and I wasn't ready to drop so much money on supplies. But I did find my old oil pastels and watercolours (tho I swear I should have another unopened set of watercolours) and ran with those. At this point I must admit that drawing and by extensive accurate depiction of form is my biggest weakness and I have little desire to improve my abilities. Light and color are the aspects of painting that I enjoy. 

I originally intended to do side-by-side oil pastel & watercolour for each reference photo, but alas my oil pastels are too difficult to blend. It was so much faster to just do watercolor. Also do forgive the wrinkly paper as I was too lazy to stretch my paper properly (and to buy heavier weight paper. 

西来古镇 (opps just realized I missed a lot of details in this one now that I'm looking at a larger size eference photo)

I do think I got progressively better?

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