10 August 2020

My Year of Rest and Relaxation

I finally got over my aversion to reading books on regular screens and started borrowing e-books from the library. It's actually kinda nice reading on my phone screen before bed, it fulfills the stupid desire to look at my phone before bed, but be reading a book rather than scrolling through other stuff. 

I don't really know how I feel about this book. I do like how Reva is a foil for the MC...and that's about all I'm certain of. Some quotations that I like are:

Oh, sleep. Nothing else could ever bring me such pleasure, such freedom, the power to feel and move and think and imagine, safe from the miseries of my waking consciousness. 

Her obsession with the material world pulled me out of whatever existential wormhole I’d wandered into. 

And that was exactly what I wanted - my emotions passing like headlights that shine softly through a window, sweep past me, illuminate something vaguely familiar, then fade and leave me in the dark again. 

Did they know that glory was mundane?

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