11 July 2022

Toxic Positivity

Opps forgot that I had some quotations to post from this book. Overall I don't feel very strongly about the book, it is validating tho. 

Gratitude, like happiness, has become a moral obligation that we must fulfill. Without it, our culture tells us, you're probably doomed to a life of sadness and loneliness. Every moment demands the presence of gratitude and its exhausting. 

Emotions are something that all humans experience, but we don't all experience them in the same way. Many people use the terms "feeling" and "emotion" interchangeably; they're not the same thing. 

  • An emotion is a physiological experience (like a rapid heartbeat or difficulty breathing) that gives you information about the world. It's a complex reaction pattern that is determined by the significance of the event.
  • A feeling is your conscious awareness of the emotion itself.
Feelings are experienced consciously, while emotions manifest either consciously or subconsciously. With emotional education and practice, some people are able to experience an emotion and give it a name or a label, making it a feeling that they're able to understand and experience.

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