27 December 2021

palm sugar

After clearing the two ex trials, I spent most of my time gearing up my crafters and gathers, which is even more painful considering how much I suck at the rotation mechanic of the first ex trial. Mostly because pentamelding is just an endeavor that brings bankrupcy and insanity. But also because I didn't read the guide very carefully and spent a day doing exactly something that it didn't recommend, which is gathering collectables for scripts to trade materia with. 

Alas with the timing of unspoiled nodes for collectables, I always had some downtime in Thavanir and Elpis. I could've been more productive and gathered stuff from normal nodes near by, but gposing is way more tempting. 

These colonnades is def a favourite location in Thavanir. 

This is just me playing with lighting in gpose, where I learned the lights are placed at wherever your camera is located when you press the button, but it seems that the lights always point down rather than at whatever your camera angle is :(

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