31 March 2021

Whisper of the Heart

Alright this has taken over Princess Mononoke as my new favourite Ghibli movie.

The power of a fictional piece can be measured by its ability to suspend disbelief; I was not a jaded cat for the duration of this movie. Man this was so wholesome and encouraging to watch. Makes the emptiness after watching it so much more awful in contrast πŸ˜‚ Does not help that the characters were graduating middle school.

The topography of the town reminds me of Bath, or rather it's the only hilly place I've lived. Definitely feels relatable when I see her run up and down the steep slopes. 

The color scheme of the movie is nice too. 


I've also watched Jiang Ziya and Weathering With You since Mangadex has been down for upgrading. I enjoyed the visuals and sounds of Jiang Ziya a lot, plot and characters are fairly standard. Did not feel much for Weathering With You, like it's good but not like the magic of 5cm. Feels similar to Your Name

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