25 October 2012

watch decision matrix

^the title half reminds me of the impending ESP midterm (t-4 hours) and half big bang theory.

But anyways, if I'm going to procrastinate, might as well procrastinate productively ;D

Client Statement: I've recently lost my watch and so require an replacement. I would like a relatively cheap (<$150) watch for everyday wear. It should be easy to match outfits & jewelry to.

Problem Statement: The gap in the client's life is that she has lost a mean to tell the time and an accessory for her outfits.
Function: display the current time
  • should be aesthetically pleasing by client's personal tastes and matches her existing wardrobe.
  • should be convenient,  can read time in less than 2 seconds.
  • should be inexpensive, as much as possible.
Constraints: Shall cost less than $150.
Stakeholders: Client's parents want client to spend money wisely.
Service Environment: 
  • Physical: urban center, mostly indoors with controlled temperature/pressure/etc. Exposed to weather elements such as rain. 
  • Living Organisms: in contact with human skin, client interacts with other people daily. 
  • Virtual: wifi, cellular signal is widely available.
Alternative Concepts:
...so the obvious implied solution is to buy another watch, which I will do. Narrowed the store down to Fossil (rational: personal preference), and down to 6 final options:
Prices are listed beside each one, help me decide please XD
Row 1 and 2 are fairly similar, skinny band with large face. Row 3 could be a bit too fancy for everyday. Column 1 contains the lighter colours, which somehow turns out to be cheaper.

Currently leaning towards (2, 1)...


RS said...

I like row two, first one!!

Anonymous said...

Row 3, column 1. Honestly, the first two rows have bands that are way too skinny compared to the faces, and don't look balanced, while r3c2 is perhaps too dark to match much of your wardrobe.