27 October 2011

carbon allotropes

^I will must do well on the next chem test. It's ridiculous how many stupid mistakes I've made in that course. Stupid doesn't even account for how severely preventable those mistakes were "orz Honestly.

But I feel better, thanks to my awesome new phone and another period of art book obsession.

We're made for each other <3 Though I do wish Siri's British voice sounded more fluid.

And if that's not enough money spending, here's two artbooks that I have my sights on.

新海誠美術作品集 空の記憶 ~ The sky of the longing for memories ~
I'd have to say that I'm a bigger Shinkai fan than Ghilbi, probably since I haven't watched alot of the latter's work. Ghilbi artbooks are also harder to find @_@ Most likely going to have to order these through Amazon.cn, unless any of you know a good place in Toronto to find artbooks?

背景画集 草薙 V
Mainly getting this one cause of FFX and XII's background artwook. Sighh, I wouldn't be playing video games if it weren't for these ;_;


Gil said...

We are no longer friends.

H-siao said...

let me borrow those books afterwards

Weej said...

Love you too Gilly >D

Sean they add up to 600rmb e_e"

H-siao said...

ha ha now you know how i feel...