06 January 2010

crunch time

School just started and this is what I got:

-Tech handtools test: must get over 90% on this else I don't get to use power tools
-History presentation: poster making @_@
-Science test
-Business assignment: this one's pretty easy
(thats something to do for all 4 periods on day 1)

-English seminar: I wonder how we will ever finish this
-Civics assignment: easy to lose marks on, have to be super specific
-Civics test: gonna do not so well on this due to reflection questions e_e"
-Civics final: 'nuff said.
(woah civics makes up for all the classes that I don't have evaluations in ;_;)

I'm sad...and overworked.


Kenn said...

Haha, everything'll work out just fine, so long as you don't get bothered or sidetracked by people like me.

Gil said...

How I feel: Wow, it's only the end of the first week? Got a long way to go.