08 September 2017


While making the apple weekend cake yesterday, I used up the last of the white sugar. This is a (not quite) tremendous set back to my list of baked goods I intended to make. So today features just a tomato soup plus some garlic bread.

how do chefs/food bloggers swirl in pesto so nicely?!

This is very simple to make and actually perfect for my situation as my mom planted a ton of larger tomatoes this year. Also uses basil and thyme which I also have an abundance of.

I ate it more as a dip for bread:


More bonus flower pictures, this time I made a bouquet for myself:

so hard to think of an interesting composition for flowers...

I tried to deliberately position the flowers and leaves, but don't remember much from the ikebana book I read. That book plus this chabana thread is creating a fledgling interest in me about flower arrangement.

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