15 June 2022


I've been keeping pace with reading but not many quotations, or other thoughts for that matter, to share. 

As much as I am stubborn about wanting to finish books, I just can't for Shadow & Claw. I have no doubt there is some epic world building going on and I will be rewarded for continuing, but its just too much effort when I get like 10% of what's going on in the first read through. One quotation:

By the use of the language of sorrow I had for the time being obliterated my sorrow - so powerful is the charm of words, which for us reduces to manageable entities all the passions that would otherwise madden and destroy us.

In contrast, Mistborn also has really extensive world building (like LotM!) but is a heck lot easier to read. Excited to read books 2 and 3, Eleanor said the overall ending is satisfying. Also one quotation:

Belief isn’t simply a thing for fair times and bright days, I think. What is belief - what is faith - if you don’t continue in it after failure?

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