30 May 2013


So I start my journey in Ni No Kuni, so far it's fantastic! Swooning over Ghibli's character and scenery *u* but especially the cutscenes!!

That and all the adorable monsters. In the beginning, Oliver has no spells and have to whack everything with his wand. I actually felt bad hitting all the creatures e_e" They're just there being adorable and I come and start killing them... Can't until I can serenade them into serving me muahaha :D

Images cropped from the wizard's companion, which thanks to the internet, I now have a copy of :D Spent the afternoon reading through it, it's packed with all kinds of information, including fairy tales XD I would love to purchase a hardcopy, if only it didn't cost $100+ Regretting not getting the collector's edition now.

Also the English translation is really well done and quite humorous. Example: a monster called girlfiend evolves into ex-girlfiend xD

And of course there's Hisaishi's music:

Gonna try to platinum this, others have done it in within 150hours pshhh.

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