28 February 2013


The next big difference between highschool and university is the amount of time that it takes to complete problem sets.

In highschool: homework is usually completable during class time. 20 chem questions, half an hour easily enough time.
In university: 10 chem questions? Say goodbye to the rest of the night.

Why the dramatic time increase? I don't think that the increase in difficulty is the main factor. It boils down to the triangle of work, social life and sleep. Sleep is already out of the picture, and replaced by copious intakes of caffeine (oh gosh, without res next year, I'm going to be unable to fund my coffee requirements. Will also need to buy overpriced fancy cereal T_T"). Work and social life is pretty intertwined with each other, as in the main form of socialization is doing homework with friends. Which inevitably leads to fooling around half the time.

And that is how it took 9 hours to complete a double sided cheatsheet for earth sci.

Annnnd, one more midterm for round 1! Leggo programming e_e"
Then it's CDS due next week.
And then becomes round 2 of midterms.
And then finals.

First year's going to be over very soon. Panic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm panicking too...