26 May 2012


My general trend of expectations for an upcoming event is as follows: YAYYAYAYYY CAN'T WAIT progresses into durr it's coming up to ugh I don't wanna go, why is it next week/tomorrow to oh hey it's actually not bad and finally to heh that was fun xD

Prom is no exception to the mood swings above.

Throughout grade 9 to early parts of grade 12, prom is THE event of life up until now. (Katie probably remembers me as the girl who was way too excited for it). The image is that it will be this magical evening when everything is perfect.
Then prom dress shopping arrived, accompanied by so much stress -o-. And luckily I ended up really liking my dress, so big crisis averted. Unfortunately, shoe shopping was a lot more painful and time consuming. However, the pair I ended up getting is amazing <3 My feet hurt so much by the end of the night but it is so worth it. I definitely waaaay overspent on prom, but it did end up being fun.

Photos are up on facebook, but here's one from my mom's over enthusiasm beforehand:
My dress isn't really shown, but shooooooooes <3 Oh I also really liked my nails, but both details aren't in any photos T_T 

The actual event was pretty normal, lots of photo taking, chicken/potatoes/vegetables for main course (does it ever stray from this formula?), and really loud music. I was being stupid and took most of my photos inside with horrendous lighting, so apologies to future me for that all I will see is blurry black outlines. Dancing, or rather waving arms around randomly, afterwards was fun. Succeeded in dragging Kelly to dance, but most of the guys were awkwardly standing there with hands in their pockets D< PARTYPOOPERS. There was also a really awkward attempt to hint to the dj to play slow songs by slow dancing to club music right in front of the stage, oh gosh xD Eventually he took the hint and all the couples were happy.

We left right after some slow songs and headed to Jasons for afterprom. I don't quite recall how we were awake all the way till 4, but probably a combination of eating, video games, truth or dare, mahjong, and half asleep (or in the case of others, half drunk) chats. Repeat activities for a description of the next day, but with the added awesomeness of Cranium. Honestly the best party game ever! Jason had a streak of lucky rolls, Ryan didn't know who Elvis is, and Roy and Alex, I don't even... though Mel and I were pretty beast at Blue Mountain ;D So many* laughs haha.

But now I pay for sleeping so little time "orz

1 comment:

Kenn said...

So many laughs.