19 July 2011

Shad meal plan

It's waaay too easy to overeat at buffet style meals, so this is the plan that I shall implement:

-1 glass of chocolate milk
-1 small bowl with 1 scoop of yogurt topped with cereal
-half a grapefruit (no idea why they dont cut it into chunks like the oranges...)
-1 slice whole grain bread with peanut butter (no more cream cheese & jam, what a delicious combo that is)
Note: fast to obtain, fast to eat, aka more sleeping time ;D My alarm went from 7:50 to 8:00 to 8:03 and hopefully to 8:05 tmrw.

-1 bowl of soup, 1 ladle only.
-1 plate, half must be green.
-no burgers, fries, pizzas etc. Preferably no pasta either.
-1 small bowl of dessert, either eaten here or during dinner. Choose between ice cream or dessert.

-1 glass of chocolate milk or another bowl of soup if today's is especially good.
-1 plate, quater must be green.
-same thing for dessert.

Willpower will be spent half sticking to this and half to not procrastinate (point: making this blog post instead of doing research for business plan). And some extra for sleeping earlier.

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