15 April 2011

analysis of motion

You guys didn't believe that I would actually do physics at Sean's, ha!

Ought to continue working on that. Ought to do plenty of other things, just running a bit low on motivation. Exams are soooooon, ought to get motivation back XD
Currently want to...figure out what I want atm. Feeling kinda lost haha, previous evenings has been lost to this wonder, dont think I've wandered very far from where ever.

Oh physics sub teacher was really annoying. He wanted us to place our bags at the back wall to prevent cheating. This girl (among others) asked if they can place it elsewhere along the perimeter of the room. Teacher started spazzing about how the class doesn't understand where the back wall is.
Don't know why he was being so anal about the specific location, any wall would serve the purpose of distancing the bag and the owner.



H-siao said...

i wonder if u did the physics jus to prove us wrong lol regardless good job on your part i guess

Weej said...

LOL, nahh.
Mainly cause Rui also came XD but she ended up going through yearbooks...