02 May 2010

brunch: noodles with poached egg

first off, last week's:

Noodles with poached egg, spinach, and leftover meat wrapped in tofu skin.
I'm still kinda bad at cooking Chinese noodles, I turn off the heat, does something else for a min, and the noodle's overcooked -o- Mehhh, I'm good at seasoning though.

Wed night:

Most delicious (and easiest) bowl of veggies I ever had/ate. Just some eggplants, button mushrooms, and asparagus. Sauce was leftover from a fish dish last night: oil, soy sauce, garlic and ginger probably. Mmmmm.

Saturday I think...

Sweet potato vermicelli...uhhh I dunno how to describe it xD It's a traditional street "fly" restaurant food from my place in China. Getting better at making medium-over eggs though.

and today's brunch would have a nice picture but I slept in, got lazy, and just ate take-out fried rice. Shame I know ;_;

tmrw comes business test, then essay, then careers stuff @_@"

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