13 April 2010

*insert the most satisfying face here*

Ares chpt 172 came out.

from that we can assume:
1. I am very very very very very happy. very happy.
2. I will continue to be very happy for a while.
3. Homework is not done. (All the ones due tmrw are, so all's good.)
4. *u*

Icarus' surprised face is so cute. Why can't any real guy be like him lololol brains+looks+charisma=win.

I shall submerge in my little happy bubble for a while.


Donna said...

otaku? :)

Kenn said...

She's hardly otaku. She's probably as otaku as I am good looking. Not at all.

Hijacking topic now: ToT My internet is dead, and I can't blog from my laptop anymore because I can't access it ToT.