22 March 2010


First day back, much less sleepy and much more productive than I expected.

Less sleepy cause tech teacher was really nice and gave us the last 10ish minutes of class to sleep. Laurie and Nick taped stuff onto me while I slept, meanies!
More productive cause Rui came over afterschool to work on our science summatives. Shoutout to Janice: arguuuuuue and be more assertive. Rui was really picky about finding the scientific word for BOUNCE (looks at Gil for an answer). We worked hard and finished the whole thing *highfive*

Holland chocolates courtesy of Jacky and Rui.
(woah, lots of name mentioned in such a short post xD)

So now I relax for a bit before slaving over note making for business.
While I relaxed, I found these purely awesome book cutouts.

more @ abduzeedo.com


Gil said...

I believe the scientific name for a bounce is deflection XD. A bounce (in real life) is an inelastic collision between two objects.

Superbud said...

and u can't prove I taped stuff to u