10 June 2009

year 8025

(warning, image heavy)

here's the promised photos of my yearbook. My camera is really bad at macro shots, so the pics are a bit blurry. I so want a macro lense ;__;

while the photos load, I shall complain about how there is not enough space for signatures, my crappy middle school one had 4 extra pages, Haig's has...all possible spaces added together, 5. Yearbook signing is really hectic, most people just write boring generic stuff, few highlights:
"I had fun breaking your waterbottle" JH
"Weijie is Zzzzing in englis class! Ms Mondrow just lost her yearbook" KL
really, really, really long one by Aida
Ones that take a lot of effort to get are really worth it, beats my entire paragraph pssh. sorry to people that had to cram it in impossibly small spaces~

(just realized I forgot to click upload, waiting some more...)

cover~ 80 is for Haig's 80th anniversary and 25 for Claude's 25th.

Old and New~ The artifacts in the first photo is given by Earl Haig's wife, yes i read the fine prints on the bottom.

I look terrible with long hair ._. 2nd row, 2nd from the right.

HA I SURVIVED THIS. My buddy was adorable haha. 3rd left of the letter M

Not fair that LC doesn't get a coloured spread! I'm under the "o" in promotions.

The oh so awesome main staircase, except the picture on the stair doesn't really show up in b&w.

Art room! I usually sit at the table that's right infront of you (with the ruler).

1 comment:

Sean said...

lolz "I had fun breaking ur waterbottle"
people started numbering which comment theirs is in my yearbook