26 June 2009


report card dayyy~!*<3

I would be happier if it wasn't 10 in the morning, I don't handle marks well without my sleep. So I trudged my way in the heat to school, make my way up the stairs, see the notice that said my teacher was in a different room, make my way there...good mental image yet?

the most terrifying number on the blue paper of doom: 92
art: 96 (yay)
geography: 96
english: 90 (so happy I didn't bomb the exam)
french: 89 (yes, it finally moved up *u*)
math: 90 (not so happy that I did bomb the exam)
phy ed: 93
science: 94 (ugh, terrrrrribbbbbleeeee)
tech: 88 (bad as well)

1 comment:

Sean said...

y do u refuse to tell me ur tech mark anyways...88 i mean its not bad