31 December 2008

happy 09?

New year resolutions that I'll probably forget in a week:
-learn to bake! D<
-exercise... everyday (an impossible)
-find a hairstyle to stick with. Just got a new haircut into a bob...it's cut nicely, I just dont' look good in it haha. Waiting for it grow out~
-grow taller! at least taller than Donna... hopefully to 167cm
-90+ average, for financial purposes
-get better at sketching, I cannot shade for my life.
-stop slouching!


Anonymous said...

ur shorter than Donna?thats weird and unexpected...shees tiny like a mouse lol

and financial reasons?wat financial reason...last time i checked 90% grade average doesnt change the global economical slump

ringoox3 ♪ said...

... a pity they're all impossible.

let us have more realistic resolutions, shall we?