25 March 2008

snow at the end of march?!

The groundhog was WRONG! (Although I wish it was right), there'll be another 5 weeks on winter, says the forecast. That's just terrible, if I remember correctly, I was wearing light sweaters instead of winter jackets this time last year.


But that is nothing compared to the other troubles that I'm faced with. REPORT CARDS ARE COMING. I think I better find a nice place to hide in the closet, or maybe arrange to live with the dust bunnies under my bed. No amount of excuses would get me out of this one, I bet all my grades are asian fail!
I think I should be studying instead of writing this...I'll go do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woah.. Asian fails! YOU LIAR, LIES, LIES, LIES! YOU'RE AVERAGE IS sOOO DANGG HIGH! ......btw can I move into your closet? ^^"