12 April 2010

report cards

I will post my marks up when people have forgotten about this.

English: 92 (-5). Messed up a little on Frankenstein, a lot on hmwrk during break. Should be fine as long as I get good in essay and exam.

Math: 91 (+2). Yay. Bombed a few quizes, did okay in last test. Just can't mess up on exam (and tests) and I'll be good.

Science: 99 (+3) HURRAY (for worksheets!). As above, don't screw up.

Tech: 96 (+4) The teachers for tech are all awesome. "MINUS TWO MARKS!"

History: 84 (-2) Me no likely. Me will be very specific in my writing.

SAP: 91 (+4) This mark is going to die in 3rd term. Dieeeee. I don't do well in social sciences.

Careers: 100. Actually 100.4, cause I'm pro like that. (and yes, I will flaunt my careers mark.)

Business: 97 (-1). Will work very hard on ISP to bring back up.


Kenn said...

Your grades will be a million times better than mine. I'm an Asian failure. "orz

Superbud said...

Still waiting for the answer

Anonymous said...

WEEEJ, tell me how to be smart like you T.T PLEASEEEE !

oh, it's helen btw :)