10 April 2010


I feel like I've done something today.

English outline: DONE!
take that essay to be! Took me a loooong while, 3 hours to be exact. Lots of distractions to keep my motivated, yes it works that way. My writing haven't been this small since my grade 7 Pinto days.

Twitter for I Believe In: DONE! (@impactorg has a really pretty profile *u*)
I now feel really stupid. I was fiddling with the size of everything, trying to squeeze it all in less than 200px of space. Didn't realize that crop was set to a dead size, so whenever I select a smaller area, it automatically enlarges to the set size. Took about 5 tries to figure that out @_@" I'm getting dull at photoshop, nooooo.

Other stuff for I Believe In: pretty much done until we get approval!
Other stuff include blog (will be messing with design later this evening), raffle ticket design, poster if we're gonna use them, and nag Alex to finish the proposal.

I caught a monster mouse ;D

1 comment:

Superbud said...

Gratz on monster mouse :D