04 January 2010

resolution #1: sleep more

First day back from school was decent, hurray for not falling asleep in class (rofl david hahaha). Had quite an insightful discussion in tech, pesa's cool :] managed to get 0.5 extra on my history quiz (teacher wasn't very good at counting up marks) and science was nice xD

I've decided to start with my resolutions. I chose the goal of sleeping more since it will benefit me all year long (not that others won't, but meh). A huge reason is because I'm pretty much dead in school. First period I'm waking up, second period I become hungry and sleepy, third and forth period I become sleepy again cause I ate, fifth period I just wanna get home and sleep e_e" Getting more sleep will also (hopefully) contribute to my physical growth and clearing of complexion.

goal: I will lay down on my bed with the lights off and nothing in my ears (meaning ipod earbud) by 11:00pm.
trigger: going to bed
baby steps: 1) make a mental note of the time starting from 10:00pm
...................2) don't start anything new by 10:15pm
...................3) shut off the computer by 10:30pm
...................4)sleep before 11 ;D
(I know the method says 8 steps, but 4's enough. 1 per half a month)

gogogo me!
(the 6changes method @ 6changes.com

1 comment:

Kenn said...

I know lots of people who slept and ate tonnes but grew as fast as a Saguaro Cactus.

I could never sleep that early. x_x