28 April 2009

mirror mirror

House was so freeeeaakkkkyyyyy yesterday.
It must be cause I was so scared that I made a completely idiotic mistake.
must be.

I was working on my brochure for my art summative. After spending roughly an hour on the outside covers, I saved them and started to work on the inside info. Since I spent almost 10 minutes oh-so-carefully placing guides so no information will get chopped off in the printing process, I decided to use the same document.
2 more hours later, I'm *finally* done the inside. It took me forever to clone the desert and sky using the trackpad on my laptop. (stupid mistake #1: my tablet was less than a meter away.."orz). Not that bad, at least I'm done. Scared that photoshop might crash (like 1 in a billion million), I decides to save it. Cmmd+s!

...oh crap.
same document=saved over=lost my first hour of work

itttzzzz allll ammberrrrz faullltttt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well =\