31 July 2024


I am still alive, barely there energy level wise. 

Been procrastinating on posting lots of food photos, including from my trip to Vancouver and Seattle. This is the best I can do:

07 June 2024


I just noticed how beautiful the E10 arena is, very unfortunate it's (rather raids and trials as a whole) is not available in explorer mode.

05 June 2024


I went to Anime North few weekends ago, it was my second time attending and first time staying for the whole weekend. The good: I didn't spend too much money on merch (since prints were off-limit as we ran out of wall space). the bad: I feel so old in terms of lack of energy ahaha. 

I did score a great deal on 3 dice via pay-what-you-roll, but I made a die as well! We've been interested in dice making for a bit and thought doing a workshop was a good way to see if we want to commit to the hobby. The first die, made without a pressure pot, is pretty ugly with all the bubbles rip. Polishing it by hand is also very time consuming. But hey now I have a die in Lethe's theme!

03 June 2024


I spent about 3 weeks catching up to Circle of Inevitability, the second book in LotM trilogy. Feels good to binge this series, enjoying the cast of characters and their antics. It's rough recognizing characters names but not actually remember what they did in the first book, spent a while reviewing the wiki afterwards. 

This is to set up the fact that I have now become an Planter, praise be The Source of Life and The Mother of All Things.

This is one of the first blooms on our balcony trellis. We also planted basil, dill and chives, with plans for some strawberries (and others) in 2 more planter boxes. 

01 June 2024


Warmer weather eats, have yet to eat on a patio tho :(

  • First gelato of the season at Mizzica
  • Filipino breakfast for dinner with microwave garlic chips
  • The chonkiest sandwich at Grandma Loves You
  • The most savory and juicy chicken at Richmond Station, spring in a dish
  • Finally trying Gus Taco now that they opened at The Well
Next food update probably when I get the first bingsu of the season.

30 May 2024


Ever since I switched to a windows laptop and can't airdrop photos from my phone to computer, I've been really procrastinating on posting to the blog. Here are some very belated Usagi Shima screenshots of my finished island. It's a pretty cozy idle game, buns be cute.

I had the intent of stitching the screenshots together, but too painful without photoshop. When am I going to start getting the cloud subscription...

09 May 2024


I came across an amazing comic from the ascians (mainly ES) perspective during the sundering and it brought up too much Shadowbringer feels. So here is Kiku also processing emotions in her crystarium inn room: