24 December 2016


Still recovering my energy so any deep reflections about the year will have to wait.

But meanwhile I'm making a list of things I want to make for the year ahead:
  • Breads, all sorts of breads: my trusty no-effort no-knead foccacia (that once ballooned into a pita), Irish soda bread, and a cheater's sourdough. I'll get to brad about one more use of my dutch oven. Also skillet pizza, because I've screwed up the seasoning in my skillet.
  • Cookies, because too many late-night cravings for these: honey walnut, brownies (soft plz), chocolate chip cookies 1 (my super cake-y one), 2 (Kenji cannot be wrong), and 3 (Deb also cannot be wrong).
  • Cakes, need some staple recipes: yogurt cake, and fruit cake
  • Veggies + indian spices: I've never been a big fan of chinese stir fried veggies, aka either with garlic or with peppercorn. Maybe this for spring, and this with roast meat, or whenever I haul myself to Bulk Barn for spices. Also chickpeas.
  • Capstone projects: pad thai for the winter break, salted caramel cheesecake brownies for once undergrad is done.

If I've learned anything from first semester, it's that cooking, tea and hot showers are the most effective ways to stay sane. 

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