13 November 2015

to let go

I really had the intention of lining up a week worth of songs from A Rush of Blood to the Head, but then I got too deep into the rabbit hole of optimizing JR rail passes Monday night.

Oh, big news. I am finally gonna stop making excuses and haul myself to Kyoto. 99% go.

I also had the intention to write a post today summarizing lessons learned from my first business trip (Memphis). The significance is more so on packing light, but it really wasn't a challenge for a 2 day trip. Will write about this over the weekend.

For now, this song is helping immensely with not feeling miserable after much sleep deprivation. Actually I didn't lose that much sleep over the trip, really tired regardless.

I like the song more before I watched the MV, she could have chosen a much better outfit.


It's times like this that I really appreciate having a corner of the internet to complain about random stuff.

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