21 August 2012

Dark Knight Rises

I would totally transfer over to mechatronics if I got to work for Wayne Enterprise's R&D >_>" The Bat, the nuclear reactor (which is impossible), the wheels on Batman's motorcycle! The wheeeeeels! It's like a reverse gyroscope, it can spin in any eratic fashion while the motorcycle body remains stable. Also Anne Hathaway looks hot riding it :] Joseph Gordon-Levitt just looks hot, always.

So there were good action scenes, really nice far shots of Gotham City, and such touching dialog ;A; Lucius Fox and Albert. Omg especially Alfred, I literally teared up every time he spoke to Bruce Wayne. Though it was obvious that (SPOILER, though I must be the last person to watch the movie) Wayne was alive with the extensive scenes after the detonation. Did not expect the plot twist at all though, also confused as to how Miranda and Wayne got together so quickly (wasn't he hung up on Rachael all this time?)

One scene that was great is the one with the boy singing the Gotham (?) anthem on the football field. The contrast between his rather angelic voice and Bane standing there in the shadow is really effective.

3 hours well spent :]
and now I wait for Skyfall.

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