16 June 2011


Balthier x Fran ftw.
Ashe...is the best with Rasler xD

Finally finished ffxii, took even longer than KH2 @_@" There are just so many side quests and it's so integrated into the game that even a non completionist like me want to finish them all. Needless to say that didn't happen.

I initially disliked the battle system, but it makes grinding and farming so much easier. Set gambits, move analog stick & chill. Though I'd still enjoy a more 'action' styled combat (cough like xiii versus cough). The bazaar system is pretty cool, sell lots of junk and get awesome weapons back*. Didn't really like the treasure chests though, first they only spawn a fraction of the time, and second there's different contents with each their own percentages of appearing. Makes for lots of frustrating experiences running to chests, opening, disappointment, and reloading the game; rinse and repeat for like an hour.
*well for the truely awesome weapons replace junk with fricking rare loot e_e

The story is good. Love some of Balthier's line, and Fran and his final exchange xD I feel that Vaan's only tagging along because he was in the right place at the right time. Larsa and Al-Cid are both pretty cool, they'd both make better rulers than Ashe.

I just wish that there is more cinematic cut scenes T_T The graphics looks ridiculously nice during those, though the normal graphics are impressive for a ps2 game. The city designs are AMAZING as well, too bad there isn't an aerial zoom option.

Overall it was an enjoyable play, just need lots of hours invested in it for the side quests :]

on another note: done math exam, aka done grade 11! whooooo~


H-siao said...

i was right about how enjoyable this game is eh?especially the impulse to want to do all the side quests lol
fran jus makes everything sound sexy...and balthier is the coolest jrpg character around
english voice acting is top notch too by any standards and the moogles...coolest moogles anywhere in ff
only thing wrong wit it is ashe lol and she isnt that bad of a character anyways

Kenn said...

demon's souls time yah?