22 May 2011

utias con't

Tonight's dinner:

Noodles, the easiest and fastest thing to make. Still haven't mastered cooking the noodles e_e it's more difficult than pasta by magnitudes! The sauce is dead simple though, doesn't seem to taste bad no matter what I throw in it. Today's mix highlights three types of powdered peppercorn, sesame paste, and miso. And of course soy sauce ;D

I have not made my own food for a long long while (this explains the lack of a weekly brunch post). Have not had motivation to do much for a while haha. This makes me scared of living on my own for university e_e how will I maintain a healthy diet!


Onto the main topic. For once I kept my promise of posting up photos (still not done gritaly's lololol).

Group shot #1:

We sat on those chairs for like...6 hours @__@" What a long day haha. Ended up skipping the closing ceremony for msn and cardplaying ;P
Note the paper model behind Jin, he made that at 3am. The presentation got done at 12. We're such procrastinators.

The milky way!

From a planetarium presentation the previous day (friday). It was pretty cool, though the panning makes me dizzy e_e"

A frame for a really important telescope:

specially which important telescope I forget. But it's made from carbon nanotubes, exoticcc.

Playing with liquid nitrogen:

Lastly, intense posing with our presentation board:

Does it not look beautiful? :'] Creds to Joyce and Alice for their amazing art major skills.

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