27 February 2011


This post is pretty much little pieces of stuff that don't quite make a post of their own.

Food first, obviously :]

Thought I should warm myself up to cheese before going off to gritaly. It's pretty good, mild and creamy, though what do I know about cheese XD

Also on the topic of food, though for a different use

Rui & I hard at work on our bridge for the physics contest~ Ryan ditched early, uselesss (I kid).

It was an turmoil filled afternoon. Our initial design didn't work as we couldn't find a way to cut the pasta without cracking it. A new makeshift design was thought up and was going well, until the next day where I discovered that all the sections that we made cracked -o-"

So currently we are without a bridge...uh oh.


Lastly, this is what I wish the sky looks like right now "orz

(my current desktop)
away winter, awaaaaay.

late night update: ARES RELEASE <3

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