29 January 2011

P.S. I Love You

All her costumes look so put together *u*

Couldn't find an image of the lavender field that Gerry (Gerard Butler) and Holly (Hilary Swank) first met, but this will do.
Oh, the way they met was adoraaaable! Especially the dog scene *u*

I liked the movie o_o
Don't really know how I feel in more detail. Reflection has yet to catch up with me.

Oh it was sad. Normal sad though...few tears at the end.
But a few minutes after I finished the movie, I started to cry uncontrollably lol. Guess it also takes some time for feelings to catch up too. Think Grace freaked out a little when I called her about it right after, I apologize XD

good movieeee. your thoughhhts?

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