17 January 2011

Mahou Shojo Madoka Magika

Darker than your usual magic girl anime.

From a purely artisitic point of view, the "collapsed space" of the witches in Madoka is aweeeeesome.
Strongly reminds me of The Count of Monte Cristo's unique texture overlays. (think I blogged about that before, will try to find it, nevermind, didn't. A google image search will bring out beautiful pictures though :]).


(for David, if he will ever read this. Your dream combination of girl + big ass gun).

Found an interesting analysis of the usage of space over at Behind The Nihon. (it's quite lengthy)
Some images credits to that and others just off google. Should be unlazy and take my own screencaps though.

Anyways, this is one of the two winter animes that I will be following, greeeaaaat potential in this haha. Kenn put up an impressive staff list working on this, you should watch it based on that alone.


Kenn said...

I believe The Count of Monte Cristo (巌窟王) my dear. Crack theories everywhere about this series, and knowing Urobochi, this won't be a picnic-in-the-park-series. 2 cookies that Mami's hiding a very dark secret.

;D Bet you didn't know that there are a bunch of references to Goethe's Faust.

Weej said...

Opps, my mistake. Thanks kenn xD
Been meaning to read Faust...someday haha. What are they?