23 January 2011

The Joy of Statistics

The 4 minute teaser video on youtube:

>>link to full, 1 hour version on Gapminder<<

A very very good use of 1 hour. It makes me look forward to stats class in univeristy haha. Or in the case of not getting into Shad, summer schooling Data Management (anyone else potentially doing this?)

At some point in the video, I was reminded of the giant tower in The Place Promised in Our Early Days. By the time I'm typing this, I already forgot when and why, so please remind me if you see a correlation XD (speaking of Shinka, his new movie will be out soon! *u* Can't waaaaaait)

Near the end of the video, it mentions a really cool site: wefeelfine.org
I can see myself spending hours reading the different feeling on there haha. The way the site displays the information is ridiculously awesome. Makes me want to be a data visualizer (well, if engineering doesn't work out haha) XD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if shad fails,
summerschooling data c'est possible!
or english. LOL